Years & Years — Night Call — Album Review
Pop | Electronic | Dance
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Disclaimer: I will be reviewing the album for the contents of its deluxe edition. This means that I will not be counting in the tracks that were added to the “New Year’s Edition”
The news broke out, I recall around March last year, that the Electropop trio known as Years & Years were essentially going to become a one-man band. With the departure of fellow members Mikey Goldsworthy and Emre Türkmen stepping down for the most part, lead vocalist Olly Alexander stood to take the mantle of Years & Years as a solo artist.
As someone who had been following Years & Years as a fan, ever since the release of their hit single “King”, which eventually led to their amazing 2015 debut album Communion, the idea of Years & Years becoming a solo effort set me up with conflicting feelings. One one hand, I did have some fears set up that Years & Years would become a lot more bare-boned in its musicality, due to there being way less creative people power behind Years & Years as it stands currently. But on the other, perhaps Alexander having more creative freedom over the band turned musical project could be its saviour.
After all, the way I felt about their sophomore album Palo Santo, while definitely carrying some great tracks, was definitely not as praise-worthy as how I felt towards Communion. I feel that the primary reason behind this, was how they compromised a little bit too much of their creativity and uniqueness for being commercially accessible. A track like “If You’re Over Me” is a gleaming example of what I mean.
My hopes moving forward, were that Years & Years would harness more of the unique signature style that they championed so well in their debut album. With the release of what was the first real track we got since Years & Years went solo, 2021’s “Starstruck”, we not only got a generous helping of the more electronic elements of their style, but also added in a nice dose of energetic danceability. With the release of the complete album, in early 2022, this musical structure would carry out pretty much throughout the entire project.
As if our collective prayers for a energetic lead-up towards the rest of the year ahead were heard by the musical gods themselves, Night Call is jam-packed with danceable bops; enough to sink our teeth into for the rest of the year, in fact.
Nevertheless, I love how this third album balances out all of the elements Years & Years have strived for so well. Danceability, vibrance, uniqueness, and accessibility; this album has all of it. That being said, Night Call is a project that all kinds of Years & Years fans can enjoy.
In regards to its narrative, Night Call very much leans towards the pop-tropes of heartbreak, lust, and intimacy. However, with someone like Olly Alexander delivering the lyrics that enforce these themes, they feel all the more convincing and engaging.
But the thing that definitely impressed me the most about this album, is that it manages to carry so much depth and atmosphere in its musicality, despite coming from a solo artist as opposed to a triad of creative people. With that fact at the forefront of my mind, this is where Night Call truly shines.
Favourite Tracks: Consequences | Night Call | Sooner Or Later
Honourable Mention: A Second To Midnight (technically a Kylie Minogue track primarily, but a highlight of the album nonetheless)
Least Favourite Track: Intimacy
Polydor | Universal Music